Praeitoje savaitėje į Marijampolės kolegiją atvyko studentas iš Turkijos – Onur, kuris atliks absolvento praktiką Projektinės veiklos ir tarptautinės partnerystės skyriuje. Pagal Erasmus+ programą atvykęs praktikantas savo kompetencijas didins bei būsimos profesinės patirties įgis per keturis mėnesius.
Trumpai apie Onur ir jo pasirinkimą praktiką atlikti Lietuvoje bei Marijampolės kolegijoje:
„Hello, I am Onur (26). As a trainee student, I wanted to tell you my thoughts. After completing my 4-year undergraduate education at the university, I decided that I should do an internship before starting-real life. It will be an experience to me. I will not explain the benefits of an internship to you at length. Only a few different countries were among my choices due to Covid-19 (Poland-Lithuania-Slovenia). I chose Lithuania as a result of my research.
I am asking you: Does a person learn by reading? Or does he learn by traveling? As a person who loves to read historical books, what I will tell you is; Imagine how excited you would feel if you visited those historical places. I know that Lithuania has an excellent history in terms of history. I can’t wait to see it up close. My advice to people who are interested in art and sculptures are definitely come to Lithuania. Do not be alarmed by saying that cold weather is too much. Lithuania’s people are very friendly, you forget the weather. If you also care about doing sports and eating healthy, do it like me and find a way. I’m not even describing its wonderful nature.
If we need to talk a little bit about Lithuanian Education. Although they are a little small in terms of population, they are nations that have succeeded in accomplishing big things. They spend a long time on industry and production. The importance they attach to education and teaching also impressed me. It is true that I said „It is a very suitable country for me” to do my internship. I believe Lithuania will prepare me very well in my future life. Communication skills, the opportunity to work with professionals, improve your skills in a particular field, and many other skills you will gain similarly. If you want to discover yourself, take action I am happy to present to you my idea of „Traineeship in Lithuania”.”
Foto: Onur Foto: Onur